A Love Letter in a Cup

A Love Letter in a Cup
Photo by Laura Briggs

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hello December, Welcome to October

So today (now yesterday) it snowed. There was snow falling from the sky in October. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it and loved the mood it gave. But just a few weeks ago, I decided that October may just be my favorite month, due to its perfection in temperature, wind, and pumpkins, but this is also a little sad, as I tried to savor those things so much, and now they seem so far away. This is my last year in my hometown before college, so I felt a little jipped that my October was cut short, but then I realized that no matter where you are in the world, time is always there, and is always being measured. So there will always be more Octobers.


  1. I think my favorite time would be late sept early oct. It's the time for jackets but not coats and you don't want to die every morning you wake up into the cold haha.


  2. your blog is really cute :)
    I love those photos!!

