A Love Letter in a Cup

A Love Letter in a Cup
Photo by Laura Briggs

Monday, June 1, 2020

How are you feeling today?

Hello, how are you? No, like really how are you doing in the current environment? I'm doing pretty poorly myself, thank you. Usually my bad days have little to nothing to do with the outside world and are a result of the ebb and flow of my own anxiety. So this is a breakdown of my current glumness.

THE FEELINGS: that justice is corrupt (at best) and non-existent (at worst); that fighting the system is pointless because those who are rich and powerful enough to make change are also the ones who want it to stay the way it is; that violence is the only way to gain attention and force the people capable of making change to listen (maybe the ERA would stand a chance if the women's marches turned to riots); that the same people condemning the violence are the ones who constantly wage war elsewhere because they know it works (just hate it being used against them); that I'll never live to see a world that treats all people fairly; that all successful changes come too little too late, and still are at a major risk of being rolled back in the future; doing something in the wrong way because I'm white, and how can I even imagine what it must feel like to be systemically oppressed in this way; wondering if this new uprising of protest will go away like a trend, until the next tragedy occurs to spark it again.

HEALTHY WAYS TO CHANNEL FEELINGS: donate to organizations that are doing good work (see links to right); learn about my local laws and representatives to ensure that I'm voting for what I support and petition against what I do not; read up on how to be a better advocate; watch documentaries and listen to podcasts by black creators to gain an understanding of their perspective; listen to black people when they tell us how to help

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